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Foxfeather -
Dostupné expozice: Hlavní



Autor: Foxfeather
Datum: 2007-10-01 23:33:58
Jméno: paintponyblue.jpg
expozice: Hlavní

This painting is on a 12" diameter drum, deer hide over a pine frame.

I was playing around with the horse silhoutte that I made for the 'Aquarelle' series that I did, and I decided to use it to make a few 'painted ponies' on drums.
This drum is for sale, and is up on my online store.

I do custom drum work and have more drums up on my site: http://www.foxloft.com/Store/Drums/PaintedDrums/


Rados       --- 12:10   02.10 2007

Amazing how well you´ve managed to build up the horse plastic using so little shades of blue, not to forget to mention its dinamics and ideas. Very nice! How much more of these have you got hidden yet?

Flaiming       --- 08:23   02.10 2007

this is just amazing! :)) really, it has a spirit.